
How to concentrate for studying: effective strategies and tips

Planeta Formación y Universidades

Studying effectively can be a challenge, especially nowadays with so many distractions around us. The key to overcoming this challenge lies in the ability to focus and to make the most of the time spent studying. This article provides strategies and tips on how to concentrate for studying and to improve efficiency. Each section is designed to provide useful tools that can be incorporated into your everyday routine. Let's get started!

Ideal study environment

A well-prepared space can make the difference between a productive study session and one full of distractions. Here are some of the things to consider in order to create an ideal study environment:

Choose a quiet place with no distractions

First select a place where you can study without interruptions. A quiet corner of the house or a library are ideal options.

Ensure good lighting and a comfortable chair

Good lighting is crucial to avoid eyestrain. Take advantage of natural light if possible and, if artificial light is needed, it is best to use a desk lamp with white light. It is also essential to have a comfortable, ergonomic chair to maintain proper posture.

Keep the study space tidy

A clean and tidy study space can make a big difference to one’s ability to concentrate. A desk clear of unnecessary objects reduces visual and mental distractions. To do this, organisers should be used, and having only the essentials to hand is key.

Time planning and organisation

Properly managing the time spent on each task will improve academic performance. Here are our recommendations:

Create a detailed study schedule

Creating a daily schedule helps provide a clear overview of obligations and allocate time in a more balanced way. Using a calendar or scheduling application, such as Google Calendar, Todoist or Trello, can be very useful.

Divide your time into study blocks with regular breaks

Dividing your time into study blocks with breaks is an effective technique for remaining concentrated and avoiding mental fatigue. Allocate specific blocks for each subject or topic, including time for revision.

Prioritise the most important or difficult tasks

Addressing the most important or difficult tasks at the start of the study session is a great strategy for maximising efficiency. The mind tends to be fresher at the start of the day, which makes it easier to work on complex tasks.

It is therefore advisable to implement prioritisation techniques, such as the Eisenhower matrix, which helps distinguish between urgent and important tasks, or simply a list ordered by importance.

Concentration techniques

With the right techniques, focus can be prolonged during study. Here are several effective options:

Using the Pomodoro technique (25 minutes of study, 5 minutes of rest)

This technique consists of studying for 25 minutes at a time and then taking a 5-minute break, making it effective for staying concentrated. After four “pomodoros” a longer break is recommended.

Practising meditation or breathing exercises

Meditation and breathing exercises are effective in improving concentration and reducing stress. For example, practising deep breathing before studying helps calm the mind. Applications such as Headspace can provide useful guides.

Establishing clear, attainable goals for each study session

Before you start studying, it is important to set specific objectives for what you want to achieve. Having concrete goals makes it easier to focus and measure progress, remaining motivated.

Elimination of distractions

Minimising interruptions is extremely important when sitting down to study, but sometimes quite difficult to achieve, so we recommend the following:

Switch off or mute unnecessary electronic devices

This is one of the best practices to reduce distractions. If it is difficult to resist the temptation to check your mobile phone, you can leave it in another room or enable “concentration mode”

Use applications that block distracting websites

For those studying on the computer, using applications or extensions that temporarily block access to distracting websites can be very useful. Tools such as StayFocusd and Freedom are very effective for this.

Inform family members or colleagues

To minimise interruptions, inform those sharing your space about study times and ask them to respect these times.

Effective study methods

Other strategies to improve remembering information and facilitate learning include:

Using techniques such as mind maps, summaries and worksheets

Mind maps, summaries and worksheets are useful tools for organising and consolidating information. Mind maps make it easier to understand complex concepts, while summaries and worksheets are ideal for reviewing and remembering key information.

Review information regularly to reinforce your memory

The spaced repetition technique is useful for transferring information to your long-term memory and improving retention. Generally, it is more effective to review in increasing intervals of time rather than studying large blocks of information in one go.

Participate in study groups to discuss or clarify doubts

Studying in a group and sharing different perspectives and methods of understanding significantly enhances knowledge of the subject. Furthermore, explaining concepts to others is an effective way of consolidating one's own understanding.

Motivation and positive attitude

Last but not least, motivation and a positive attitude must be maintained at all times, as consistency, performance and success depend on it. To achieve this, the following strategies can be followed:

Find your personal motivation to study

It is important to identify your personal motivation to study. Being clear about why you are studying gives you the strength to continue, whether it is to improve your grades, prepare for a future career or simply better yourself.

Visualise long-term objectives

Imagining the future you want to achieve through your studies helps keep your mind focused. Visualising your career or the opportunities that will become available to you can be a great way to stay motivated.

Reward yourself after completing difficult or time-consuming tasks

On difficult days, it is useful to give yourself small rewards after completing difficult or time-consuming tasks, such as taking a break or enjoying a snack. This can make studying feel more rewarding and less burdensome.


Studying effectively and remaining concentrated are key skills for academic success. Creating the right environment, planning efficiently and using proven study techniques are essential steps in eliminating distractions and cultivating a positive, motivated attitude. By following these tips, you will be better prepared to meet the challenges of learning and maximise your performance.

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Planeta Formación y Universidades

Planeta Formación y Universidades, international higher education network focused on advancing knowledge, developing careers and connecting talent with the world of work.

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