
What are soft skills?

Planeta Formación y Universidades

The talent selection process has evolved. Nowadays, recruiters and companies are not only looking for technical knowledge and previous experience. For several years now, interpersonal and emotional skills, or soft skills, have been gaining in importance and have become decisive factors in obtaining a job.

In fact, according to LinkedIn, approximately 92% of HR professionals consider these skills to be as important, if not more important, than technical skills.

What are the most valuable soft skills at work?

As technologies advance, work structures become more dynamic. While valuable, technical skills are not enough on their own. Furthermore, with the rise of artificial intelligence and automation, many technical and repetitive tasks are being delegated to machines and algorithms. This is where soft skills make sense, as they are less automatable, and are the backbone of how the others function.

Looking at the World Economic Forum reports "Future of Jobs 2023 Skills"and LinkedIn's "The Most In-Demand Skills for 2024", we found that they agreed on a number of points, albeit with some differences. With all this information in mind, we made our own conclusions and are sharing the skills that are most in demand today and those that will be on the rise in the coming years:

Creative and analytical thinking is one of the most valued skills, with demand expected to grow by over 70% in the next five years. Businesses are looking for the ability to make informed decisions, generate innovative ideas, and tackle problems in original ways. In addition, the ability to combine creativity with critical analysis is highly valued, as it allows for a more holistic approach to challenges.

Resilience, adaptability and flexibility are equally crucial. The ability to adapt quickly to change and recover from setbacks has become increasingly relevant with the advent of artificial intelligence, which has completely transformed the working environment. In fact, adaptability stands out as the "skill of the moment" with the highest year-on-year increase in demand. Furthermore, resilience enables employees not only to cope with adversity but also to thrive in changing environments.

Curiosity and continuing learning are also highly valued. A willingness to continuously learn ensures relevance and competitiveness, as well as demonstrating a genuine interest in advancement. Motivation and self-awareness supplement these qualities, creating a virtuous cycle of personal and professional development. Curiosity drives innovation, and the ability to learn quickly translates into better adaptation to new technologies and methods.

Teamwork has not lost its significance. Strengthening the ability to collaborate effectively is extremely important for teams to remain adaptable and aligned, thus achieving better results.

Moreover, skills such as customer service and sales have seen an increase in demand. Despite the automation of many duties, customers still prefer human contact. Cultivating relationships and building trust is increasingly important, especially in sales, where connecting with the customer is vital. In other words, artificial intelligence can improve results, but implementation still depends on people.

Finally, companies are looking for employees who can identify, develop and retain talent. Talent management is crucial for long-term organisational success. While project management is also essential, as teams and workflows become more complex, leaders who can keep everything organised and everyone on the same page are in high demand. These leaders not only manage resources and time but also inspire and motivate their teams to meet their goals.

The importance of soft skills in education

Soft skills are essential both in the workplace and in education. Educational institutions are placing greater emphasis on developing them because of their impact on academic and professional success.

Fostering effective communication, teamwork and adaptability from an early age not only prepares students to confidently face real-world challenges but also improves the overall quality of education.

Honing these skills leads to knowledge being built, students' quality of life improved, and better interpersonal relationships fostered. This creates a more collaborative and enriching learning environment, with lasting personal and professional benefits.

Differences between hard skills and soft skills

While we briefly mentioned hard skills at the beginning, it seems important to elaborate further on the differentiator between the two.

Nature of skills: intrinsic vs. technical

Hard skills, also known as technical skills, are specific, measurable and are acquired through formal education, training and constant practice. Examples of hard skills include programming, accounting, engineering and machine operating. These skills are essential to perform specific tasks and meet the specific requirements of a job.

On the other hand, soft skills are intrinsic and often difficult to quantify. They include communication, empathy, adaptability, and the ability to work in a team. Soft skills are developed through experience and social interactions, and are applicable in a wide variety of professional and personal situations.

Assessment and measurement

The assessment of hard skills is a more direct and objective process. These competencies can be measured through examinations, certifications and practical tests that demonstrate mastery of a specific skill. For example, a certificate in programming can validate knowledge in coding languages, while a degree in accounting can demonstrate the ability to manage finances.

In contrast, the assessment of soft skills is more subjective and complex. Methods such as direct observation, feedback from colleagues and supervisors, and behavioural interviews are common. In addition, 360-degree assessments are used, in which information is gathered from a variety of sources to obtain a comprehensive view of a person's interpersonal skills. Continuous feedback and personal development are essential to strengthen these skills.

How to develop soft skills

Soft skills, like hard skills, can also be developed and enhanced. Here are some of the best ways to do so:

Participation in workshops and specialised courses

One of the most effective ways to improve soft skills is through specialised workshops and courses. These programmes are designed to improve communication, leadership and time management. Participating in these courses provides a structured environment for learning and practising new skills, as well as offering the opportunity for feedback and continuous improvement.

Self-assessment and personal reflection

Taking time to reflect on personal experiences, identify areas for improvement, and set personal goals can lead to significant growth. Keeping a personal development diary and requesting feedback from colleagues and friends are useful practices to encourage self-assessment and self-awareness.

Seeking of mentors and role models

Observing and learning from people who already have strong soft skills can inspire and provide practical examples of how to apply these skills in real situations. Mentoring not only provides practical advice, but also offers a support network for continued growth.

Participation in volunteering and teamwork activities

Volunteering in community organisations, interest groups or sports teams fosters collaboration, empathy and problem solving. These experiences not only enhance the professional profile but also contribute to personal development. Working in a team and contributing to a common cause strengthens interpersonal and leadership skills.

Setting of clear and measurable goals

Using the SMART methodology (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) can help define precise and realistic goals.

For example, instead of aiming to "improve communication", a SMART goal would be to "improve communication in team meetings by providing constructive feedback at every weekly meeting for the next three months".

Regularly reviewing these goals and adjusting them as necessary ensures continued and sustained growth. SMART goals provide a defined path and a constant motivation to improve.

The future of soft skills

As seen throughout the article, companies are increasingly looking for professionals who not only know how to perform their tasks but who also possess soft skills. These skills are applicable to any sector, and are highly valued for their ability to improve team dynamics and productivity.

To this end, two main trends are shaping the demand for soft skills in today's labour market: globalisation and technological innovation.

Globalisation has led multinational companies to seek professionals capable of working in multicultural teams and managing in international contexts. The ability to work effectively with people from diverse cultures and fluency in languages, especially English, are increasingly important skills.

Alongside this, rapidly evolving technologies require professionals with transferable skills. This new skill refers to the ability to adapt quickly to new tools and technologies, building on previous experience with similar tools. Moreover, critical thinking has become essential, as many tasks are delegated to artificial intelligence, which is not always completely reliable.

Soft skills are discussed in further detail in the Chapter on "Deep Talks: Education and Employability. Challenges and Opportunities", an original area of debate of Planeta Formación y Universidades. Teachers and experts in the field consider soft skills to be essential today, beyond theoretical and technical knowledge, for successful integration into the labour market.


The role of educational institutions in the development of soft skills

Finally, we feel it is important to highlight the fundamental role that educational institutions must play. They should be the bridge that connects education with business, adapting their programmes to the real needs of the market. To achieve this, it is essential to have teachers who are active in the business world and who can offer students a realistic, practical perspective.

At Planeta Formación y Universidades, we understand the importance of supplementing theory with soft skills. Through internships, lectures and workshops, students can acquire the skills they need to excel in the world of work. We also encourage entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence, providing the necessary tools to encourage them to create their own projects and to see failure as a learning opportunity rather than something negative.

From our perspective, attitude and proactivity are crucial for professional success. We therefore encourage our students to be proactive, to seek opportunities for growth, and to align themselves with the values of the companies they aspire to join. In most selection processes, organisations place a high value on the compatibility of the candidate's values with their own.

It is true that the future of the labour market is deeply linked to soft skills, which is why we provide our students with comprehensive training with which they can face and overcome the challenges of the current and future job market.

Find out how our institutions can boost your career and start building a successful professional future today.

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Planeta Formación y Universidades

Planeta Formación y Universidades, international higher education network focused on advancing knowledge, developing careers and connecting talent with the world of work.

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