
How to study at a university abroad?

Planeta Formación y Universidades

The decision to embark on a university course is a very important step, regardless of when it is taken. Whether right after completing secondary education or even years later, access to higher education is always a latent possibility. So, when the desire or opportunity to study in another country arises, it leads us to ask ourselves a key question: How do I study abroad?

For those who are considering this possibility, this article serves as a guide to address and resolve the most important questions that may arise during this reflection process. Let’s get started!

5 keys to studying abroad

When it comes to studying in another country, decision-making requires careful consideration and organisation. Resolving these questions is crucial to gaining a clear understanding of the picture. Here are five essential aspects to consider.

1. Define the university degree or specialisation

As a starting point, it is essential to be clear about what you want to study. Given that academic options differ from country to country, defining our interests or the specialisation we lean towards becomes the first issue to resolve. This step lays the foundation for making informed decisions about our higher education in an international environment.

2. Identifying the universities that offer the desired degree

Continuing with the process, it is crucial to identify the universities that offer programmes in the career you are interested in. It should be noted that some institutions may specialise in particular areas, such as design, art, finance, marketing, among others. This step will allow you to research and make a detailed comparison of the available options.

3. Knowing the requirements for obtaining a student visa in the country of destination

Once you have selected your degree programme and potential universities, the next step is to familiarise yourself with the requirements for obtaining a student visa in your chosen country. This process varies considerably from country to country and involves aspects such as necessary documentation, proof of financial solvency and possibly language proficiency requirements. Understanding these requirements beforehand is crucial, as they can have a decisive influence on the final choice between various destination options. Especially if multiple countries are being considered.

4. Planning the budget to be allocated for the studies

Drawing up a detailed budget is another crucial step in the process. It is important to consider all the costs associated with the educational experience abroad. Including accommodation, food, study materials and other daily expenses. A full breakdown of these expenses will give a clear picture of the total costs involved. This financial planning will allow you to assess whether it is necessary to seek part-time employment, consider exchange programmes to reduce accommodation costs, or explore the availability of scholarships as a means of facilitating the financial viability of your studies.

5. Researching scholarship options and requirements

The last aspect to consider is the scholarship option. As mentioned above, they are an invaluable resource for international students in easing the financial burden. It is therefore important to thoroughly research the different types available, as well as their specific requirements. Starting this search early will allow for adequate preparation, either by improving grade point average, gaining relevant experience or meeting other eligibility criteria.

Frequently asked questions about studying abroad at a university

Even after having done some pre-planning, it is completely normal that further queries arise on this issue. Some of the questions you may have are the ones we discuss below. Take note!

When is the best time to apply to universities abroad?

Generally, it is advisable to start the application process at least one year before before the planned start date of your studies. This will give you enough time to prepare and submit all necessary documents, take language exams if necessary, and apply for visas and scholarships.

Which exams are required to study for a university degree abroad?

When planning to study in an English-speaking country, it is likely that you will need to provide proof of language proficiency through international exams such as TOEFL, IELTS or PTE. In addition, you can apply for university entrance exams such as the SAT or ACT, which assess your general academic skills.

If the destination is not an English-speaking country, equivalent exams in the local language, such as DELF or DALF for French, depending on the country and institution to which you wish to apply. These exams are crucial in demonstrating your ability to follow courses in the language of instruction and meeting the required academic standards.

How long does it plausibly take to complete university studies?

The duration of university studies abroad varies significantly depending on the country and the degree programme selected. In general, it is estimated that a university degree programme can last between 3 and 4 years. For example, in many European countries, a Bachelor’s degree is usually completed in 3 years, while in the United States and Canada the standard duration is 4 years.

However, for specialisation or postgraduate programmes, such as master’s degrees or doctorates, the duration can be even longer. From 1-2 additional years for a Master’s degree and up to 3-5 years or more for a PhD. It is therefore important to research the specific requirements of each programme and country in order to properly plan your educational pathway.

What are the options for studying abroad?

When it comes to studying a university degree abroad, you have several options to choose from. Here are two of the most common ones:

Direct application: if you are sure about the foreign university where you wish to study, you can choose to apply directly. This involves following the full curriculum of the chosen institution and fulfilling all established admission requirements. This may include language and academic examinations. This is an excellent opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the educational experience abroad from the very beginning.

Exchange programmes or agreements: if you have already started your studies in your home country and are interested in an international experience, you could consider a transfer or exchange programme. Many universities have agreements with institutions abroad that allow you to study there for a certain period of time. The credits you earn during your stay abroad are usually recognised by your home university. This allows you to continue with your current programme without significant interruptions.

Can I study a foreign degree without leaving my country?

In the digital age, accessing higher education at international universities or business schools from your own country is entirely feasible. Leading institutions such as Broward International University in the United States, ESLSCA Business School Paris and EDC Paris Business School in France, which are members of the Planeta Formación y Universidades network, provide this opportunity through their 100% online programmes. These programmes range from bachelor’s to master’s degrees in a wide range of areas, including education, healthcare, finance, digital marketing and the luxury sector.

This is an attractive modality for those seeking an international education without having to leave their current social environment or face the logistical and financial challenges associated with studying abroad. In addition, online programmes offer flexibility and convenience, allowing students to balance their studies with other personal or professional responsibilities.

Planeta Formación y Universidades: a network open to the world

Having addressed some of your concerns about studying abroad at a university, let us introduce ourselves. We are an international educational network, present in 8 countries and enriched by the diversity of more than 100 nationalities among our students. This diversity gives us the opportunity to offer an authentic and enriching educational experience.

We have an extensive network of collaborators, including more than 90 academic partners in 27 countries and agreements with more than 300 world-renowned universities and business schools. This allows us to provide a variety of study-abroad opportunities and international mobility programmes for our students.

Furthermore, our online study programmes are designed to overcome geographical barriers, giving students access to quality education from anywhere in the world.

So, if you’re considering studying abroad, we invite you to explore our network of educational institutions and their comprehensive offering. At Planeta Formación y Universidades, we are the bridge that links talent and knowledge with reality.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information! We will be happy to guide and assist you in this process.

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Planeta Formación y Universidades

Planeta Formación y Universidades, international higher education network focused on advancing knowledge, developing careers and connecting talent with the world of work.

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