
Renewable energy production in Spain sets new records

Planeta Formación y Universidades

OBS Business School, part of Planeta Formación y Universidades, has published the report El sector energético en España (The Energy Sector in Spain), under the direction of Professor Víctor Ruiz Ezpeleta. It analyses the current situation in Spain, Europe, China and Latin America with regard to the main energy sources: electricity, nuclear, green hydrogen, fossil fuels, geothermal and wind power. The report also details the trends in 2025 and the challenges of the future.

For Spain and Europe, 2024 has been a year of consolidation of renewable energies and a commitment to decarbonisation. Spain has surpassed 50% of energy production through renewables, with a clear advance in solar energy, where it is a privileged country with many possibilities ahead. The production of renewable energy has experienced an increase of nearly 11% in a year that sets historical records. Solar photovoltaic energy has risen to third place in the energy mix, surpassing combined cycle, while wind power is once again in the lead with a 23% share. As for electricity demand, it has increased by nearly 1.5% and will probably close the year 2024 with an export balance for the third consecutive year.

You can find more information in the OBS Report: The energy industry in Spain, towards sustainable decarbonisation.

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