
Viu obtains two QS Stars seals with the highest score, becoming the only Spanish online university to do so.

Viu obtains two QS Stars seals with the highest scores, becoming the only Spanish online university to do so.

The seals obtained by VIU from the QS Stars Rating System correspond to the categories Online Learning and Specialist Criteria applied to the MBA.
VIU is the only online university in Spain to have these certifications.
In both certifications, VIU has obtained 5 stars, the highest possible score.
The certifications highlight aspects of VIU such as Student-Faculty Commitment, online teaching, employability and student satisfaction.
The Universitat Internacional de València has added a new recognition to the excellence of its educational proposal and methodological model: The QS Stars Rating System has awarded it the maximum score of 5 stars in the category of Online Learning, as well as in the category of Specialist Criteria with the MBA. VIU becomes the only Spanish online university to achieve these prestigious certifications.

QS Stars is a global ranking system that evaluates higher education institutions in several performance areas, such as teaching, research, employability, internationalisation and innovation. The certifications obtained by VIU are awarded to educational institutions that meet high standards of quality and excellence in teaching.

In order to obtain the QS Stars Online Learning seal, VIU has undergone a rigorous and detailed evaluation process, in which it has reviewed its online education policies and practices, the quality of its technological resources and student support, the flexibility of its programmes, the quality of its teaching and learning and the institution's ability to adapt to the needs of its students. In the words of the certifying body itself, "The aim is to look at the learning environment of a student, but from the perspective of an online student".

Specifically, this certification evaluates:

  • Student-faculty engagement
  • Student interaction
  • Services and technologies
  • Online outsourcing
  • Teacher/student ratio
  • Commitment to Online Learning
  • University track record

VIU obtained an almost perfect score of 95/100, standing out especially in the sections of Student-Faculty Engagement, Commitment to Online Learning, Services -and Technologies and Student Interaction.

The QS Stars MBA Online seal is a certification awarded to educational institutions that offer high-quality online MBA programmes. As in the case of the other seal obtained by VIU, institutions must meet strict standards of quality and excellence in teaching to receive it.

Accordingly, VIU has been evaluated in a number of performance areas, including the quality of content and teaching, the availability of student support resources, the accessibility and flexibility of online programmes, and student interaction and collaboration.

The 7 specific items assessed are:

  • Employability
  • Graduation rate
  • Student satisfaction
  • Lecturer/student ratio
  • Demand for the degree
  • International students
  • Accreditations 

In these categories, the VIU MBA stood out especially in Employability with 30 points out of 30, Student Satisfaction with 37 out of 40 and International Students with 20 out of 20.

Regarding the achievement of both certifications, Mónica Rodríguez Gascó, Director of Quality and Sustainability at VIU, said that these "are a recognition of the great work being done in all departments of the International University of Valencia in search of constant improvement" and that "they certify the excellence of both the methodological and support model of the University and its academic offer".

Obtaining the two QS Stars seals ratifies the Universidad Internacional de Valencia as one of the leading Online Universities in the Spanish-speaking world, but, above all, rewards its search for continuous improvement, a purpose that guides the objectives of the University at all levels and that has led it to obtain awards such as the Catalyst Award for Best Virtual Classroom for three consecutive years, or the distinction of Studocu as the Best Online University in Spain.

Quacquarelli Symonds is one of the most prestigious international organisations in the field of education.  It specialises in selecting and identifying the best academic institutions and business schools. To do so, it elaborates the QS Stars Rating System, an academic quality rating system that analyses the programmes, teaching staff, employability, integration and equity, academic development and innovation of many educational institutions, awarding them between one and five QS Stars at an overall level, in different categories and in several of the programmes.

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