
The Core joins forces with Fundación A LA PAR to promote inclusive talent with ROCKALAPAR

Planeta Formación y Universidades

The Core, part of Planeta Formación y Universidades, has joined forces with the A LA PAR Foundation in the ROCKALAPAR musical project, which has promoted the formation of a rock band made up of people with intellectual disabilities. With the aim of demonstrating that talent has no barriers, the project is led by David Summers, singer and composer of Hombres G, and Pedro Andrea, guitarist and composer.


As part of the collaboration, The Core has provided technical resources and professional accompaniment to the group, formed by Pablo, Álvaro C, Ignacio, Enrique, Laura, Daniel and Álvaro. As part of the initiative, the members have had the opportunity to visit the school's facilities for their first rehearsals, accessing state-of-the-art equipment and learning in an environment of creative excellence. This accompaniment is part of the school's commitment to support the artistic and personal growth of the musicians.

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Planeta Formación y Universidades

Planeta Formación y Universidades, international higher education network focused on advancing knowledge, developing careers and connecting talent with the world of work.

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