
Spain, among the world leaders in digital maturity

Planeta Formación y Universidades

OBS Business School and Inesdi Business Techschool, institutions belonging to Planeta Formación y Universidades, present the Think Digital Report 2024, a barometer on digital transformation in Spain and Latin America that has been carried out since 2021. 

The data obtained from this study show that digital transformation continues its consolidation not only in the strict business context, but has also been revealed as a generator of disruptions in both markets and society in general. Spain has gone from an index of 4.2 in digital transformation in 2021 to 7.6 in 2024. We are consolidating our position as one of the countries with the highest proportion of companies immersed in this process: an impressive 81% of organisations in Spain have confirmed that they have begun their journey towards transformation, demonstrating a commitment to innovation and adaptation to the demands of the contemporary business environment. However, only 7% of them consider themselves to have reached an advanced level of digital culture, reflecting the need for a more balanced approach that prioritises cultural transformation alongside technological investments. 

More information can be found here.

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Planeta Formación y Universidades

Planeta Formación y Universidades, international higher education network focused on advancing knowledge, developing careers and connecting talent with the world of work.

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