Planeta Formación y Universidades participates in the La Razón II Foro de Talento y Formación
The institutions of Planeta Formación y Universidades have participated in the II Foro de Talento y Formación, organised by the newspaper La Razón. Antonio Rodríguez Ruibal, Dean of EAE Business School Madrid, and Segundo Píriz, Rector of UNIE Universidad, were present at the round table entitled ‘The link between academic training and companies’. They shared the table with Beatriz Sevillano, Talent Manager at Universia, Héctor Arto, Head of Talent Selection at Iberdrola, and Susana Vestia, HR Director at Philip Morris International.
Segundo Píriz, Rector of UNIE Universidad, alluded to the importance of direct contact with companies, which ‘is in UNIE's DNA’. He highlighted the fact that, despite being only a year and a half old, the university has ‘many hundreds of agreements signed with companies in Spain and abroad’. Píriz wanted to emphasise the STEAM world, ‘where there is a difference between men and women in this type of profession’: of every 100 women working in Spain, 5.5 work in the STEAM field, while in the case of men it is 13%.
In relation to the irruption of artificial intelligence and its possible impact on the professions, the rector of UNIE stated that ‘the humanities acquired at university and outside the university environment are essential for life because, if we did not have them, we would not have a critical spirit and we would be an easily manipulated society’. In this sense, he explained UNIE's transversal project to ‘implement subjects focused on the humanities in our business schools and universities so that students can be educated, free and supportive of the development of society’.
Along the same lines, Antonio Rodríguez Ruibal, dean of EAE Business School Madrid, explained how the presence of companies in classrooms is essential to know their needs first hand. ‘In business schools, professors are, at the same time, company managers, so the knowledge transmitted is direct and first-hand,’ he said.
The dean highlighted the value of EAE Madrid's Professional Careers service, which the centre makes available to its students to ‘guide them towards employability, either to grow in management positions or to start up their own business project, with the aim of turning the ideas that are born within the master's degree or that they bring from home into reality’. Among the conclusions drawn from the debate were the need for training in new digital skills, the mastery of AI and machine learning tools, the importance of lifelong learning and the promotion of STEM technological vocations.
The event was also attended by Carlos Giménez, CEO of Planeta Formación y Universidades, and José Ramos Rodrigo, General Manager for Madrid and Valencia. Francisco Marhuenda, director of La Razón, and the Regional Minister of Education, Science and Universities of the Community of Madrid, Emilio Viciana, were in charge of presiding over the event, which brought together more than a hundred guests, including representatives of the education and business sectors of the Community of Madrid. A forum that could also be followed openly via streaming.