
EAE Business School Madrid: 70% of Creator Business Program students will launch their own digital business

Planeta Formación y Universidades

EAE Business School Madrid, which belongs to Planeta Formación y Universidades, in collaboration with the Innovation Department of the Grupo Planeta Publishing Division and Hotmart, has successfully concluded the first edition of the Creator Business Program, a pioneering training programme in the industry for digital content creators. In this context, they highlight that 70% of the students will launch their own digital business, exceeding the market average of 30%.

The Creator Business Program is the first executive programme specifically designed to turn content creators into entrepreneurs, giving them the knowledge and tools they need to transform their passion into a profitable business. This first edition had 39 students from different countries, including Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Chile and the United States, which reflects the international projection and diversity of the programme.

In this sense, 50% of the students will present and launch their final project after the end of the course. Another 20% plan to do so before the end of the year, which puts the success rate at 70%. This figure not only demonstrates the impact of the programme, but also reflects EAE Madrid's commitment to accompanying and developing the students' projects.

Likewise, the satisfaction of the participants has also been remarkable, with an average score of 4.8 out of 5, highlighting both the quality of the teachers and the content taught. Among the teachers and experts who accompanied the students were professionals of the stature of Vilma Núñez, Bárbara Bruna, Mauricio Duque and Mauricio Benoist, who contributed their experience in the digital industry and helped the students to structure their businesses.

Jokin Urraza, Director of Publishing Innovation at Grupo Planeta explains that ‘in this first edition, we have concentrated all our efforts on offering excellent training. The key to our success lies in the combination of teachers with extensive academic experience and experts active in the industry, which has enabled us to provide comprehensive, up-to-date training. In addition, we have placed special emphasis on the personalised accompaniment of students' projects, ensuring that they are fully prepared for market launch. Although there is always room for improvement, we are very satisfied to have validated our differential value proposition in this first edition’.

Raul Marañana, programme director and international director of Hotmart, commented, ‘The results speak for themselves. Seventy percent of our students' projects are ready to launch, which is significantly above the market average. This confirms the success of the programme and reinforces our commitment to continue accompanying content creators in their transition to digital entrepreneurship.’

A successful model: the second edition in November 2024

The success of this first edition has prompted EAE Business School Madrid to announce the launch of the second edition of the Creator Business Program, which will begin in November 2024. This next edition will maintain the educational approach focused on the development of sustainable digital businesses and will replicate the successful model, incorporating some improvements based on student feedback.


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Planeta Formación y Universidades

Planeta Formación y Universidades, international higher education network focused on advancing knowledge, developing careers and connecting talent with the world of work.

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