
EAE Business School Madrid analyses the limitations, opportunities and challenges of professional women on their way to equality

Planeta Formación y Universidades

In the run-up to Women's Day, EAE Business School Madrid, part of Planeta Formación y Universidades, held a round table discussion on 7 March entitled ‘La Mujer Profesional: limitaciones, oportunidades y desafíos’, a meeting that revolved around the Observatorio de la Mujer Profesional 2024, a study that explores the causes of gender inequality in the business world, prepared by EAE Business School.

The event was attended by six women with outstanding professional careers: Sara Herrero Pérez, Director of the Talent, Finance and Business Area at EAE Madrid; Monica Zai, Director of People at Heineken; Marta Puente, expert in equity and inclusive leadership and CEO of Bridge4Inclusion; Nadya Semenova, EAE Alumni and expert in Change Management, Coach of Professional Career and Women in Tech; Margarita Márquez, Head of the Unidad de Diversidad en el Tribunal de Cuentas, and Carina Mellit, Director of the Strategic Research Center at EAE and co-author of the report, as moderator.

The welcome was given by Lola Salcedo, Dean of EAE Madrid, who highlighted the significant increase of women in positions of responsibility since 2013. As an example, she mentioned that in 2023, 40% of IBEX 35 boards were made up of women, compared to 25% in 2013, although there is still a long way to go to close the gender gap. In this sense, Mellit emphasised EAE's commitment to equity, not only by incorporating women in management positions, but also by promoting research with a gender perspective. ‘We must provide strategic knowledge that guides companies and leaders in the construction of a fairer, more equitable and prosperous society,’ she said.

As a final touch, the speakers shared their vision of success as balance, authenticity, being oneself, freedom and social impact. A reflection of the fact that the road to equality is still under construction, but commitment and action are fundamental in order to move it forward.

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Planeta Formación y Universidades

Planeta Formación y Universidades, international higher education network focused on advancing knowledge, developing careers and connecting talent with the world of work.

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