
PIMEC and Planeta Formación y Universidades analyse the impact of AI in a conference dedicated to digital talent

Planeta Formación y Universidades

Technological transformation and talent management were the central themes of the conference ‘Artificial Intelligence and Digital Talent: Efficiency and Competitiveness in SMEs’, organised by PIMEC and the international higher education network of Grupo Planeta, Planeta Formación y Universidades. The event, which brought together experts in digitalisation, artificial intelligence and human resources at the Planeta Formación y Universidades campus in Hospitalet, addressed the challenges and opportunities that artificial intelligence (AI) and digital talent represent for small and medium-sized Catalan companies today.

The conference was opened by David Bote, President of the Federació de Municipis de Catalunya, Antoni Cañete, President of PIMEC and Carlos Giménez, CEO of Planeta Formación y Universidades, who highlighted the importance of collaboration between the business sector, academic institutions and public administrations to promote the digitisation of SMEs. 

David Bote, in his speech, stated that ‘what will make the difference between territories will be whoever has the capacity to democratise and spread the knowledge that AI entails. Whoever has it and can access it will have key opportunities compared to the rest’. 

For his part, the president of PIMEC, Antoni Cañete, explained that artificial intelligence ‘is here to stay and is changing the parameters’. In this sense, he recommended that companies ‘adapt and see it as an opportunity to grow, improve competitiveness and increase productivity’. He then drew a comparison with the Gartner curve: ‘When a technological disruption arises, you experience a rise, followed by a fall, which then gives way to a stable line of profitability. We are now in the upswing phase of AI, a powerful engine that we must use correctly’. 

Carlos Giménez wanted to highlight that today's event ‘is an excellent opportunity to unite the two concepts: AI and talent, key elements to improve competitiveness, development and have a positive social impact within the environment, with the aim of capturing the effective elements that AI offers and really do it in a way that helps us to move forward and improve’.


AI and its applications for SMEs

Jaume Miralles, IBM Artificial Intelligence Offering Leader at IBM and associate professor at INESDI Business Techschool, part of Planeta Formación y Universidades, presented specific strategies for the adoption of artificial intelligence and highlighted how many workers already use AI in their day-to-day work, while SMEs have not yet structured or officially recognised its use. 

Joana Sanchez, CEO and founder of INCIPY, presented a case study illustrating how SMEs can integrate digital solutions to improve their performance and adapt to current challenges. 

Artificial Intelligence and the Employability of the Future

The day was also the framework for the presentation of the Barometer "Artificial Intelligence and the Employability of the Future", by Narciso Michavila, president and founder of GAD3. This report, prepared by Planeta Formación y Universidades and GAD3, analyses the perception of students in Catalonia on the challenges, opportunities and consequences of AI in their professional future. 


Development and training of digital talent

Digital talent was another of the main topics. Jorge Tuñón, professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), lecturer at OBS Business School and researcher at INESDI Business Techschool, presented the most in-demand digital profiles, based on the 12th edition of the Top Digital Profiles study, carried out by INESDI Business Techschool and OBS Business School, which establishes which digital positions are most in demand by companies in Spain and Latin America. In Jorge's words, the growth in demand for Digital Technology profiles (Software Developer, Digital Project Manager or ICT Consultant) is consolidated in Spain during the years 2023 and 2024, which strengthens the digital gap of companies and also makes us foresee a forthcoming and exponential growth in the demand for new digital profiles linked to Artificial Intelligence.

Afterwards, a round table moderated by Maite Moreno, from EAE Business School, addressed how to attract, train and retain talent in a constantly changing labour market. Experts such as Isabel Barceló (Adecco), Patricia Peña (Innova-tsn), Jorge Juárez (SIGHORE) and Carlota Casado (PIMEC) shared their perspectives and strategies to overcome the difficulties in filling digital profiles. 

The event was brought to a close by Cristina Santón, Teniente de Alcaldía del Área Ciudad Transformadora del Ayuntamiento de L’Hospitalet, who stressed: ‘Today we have analysed many paradigm shifts, changes that will be impossible to carry out without the support of experts, such as those we have had here with us, and the support of public administrations, which must be facilitators in this process, as we are aware that we still have a long way to go with artificial intelligence’. 


This conference has served as a meeting point for managers, human resources managers and professionals interested in accelerating the transformation of their organisations, reaffirming the need to face technological and labour challenges with a strategic and inclusive vision. 

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Planeta Formación y Universidades

Planeta Formación y Universidades, international higher education network focused on advancing knowledge, developing careers and connecting talent with the world of work.

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