
UNIE Universidad celebrates the Gala Benjamina: a recognition of inclusion and the power of collaborative work

Planeta Formación y Universidades

UNIE Universidad, part of Planeta Formación y Universidades, held the Gala Benjamina on Wednesday 26 February, an event that highlighted the institution's commitment to inclusion and the value of teamwork. The Gala recognised the efforts of the university community to promote a tolerant, diverse and inclusive society. Marta Izquierdo, director of Student Experience, opened the event, highlighting the team's fundamental role in creating a university environment of quality and excellence that is accessible to all.

The Gala Benjamina, whose name comes from the research project of Ana Gracia and the entire Atapuerca team, tells the story of an adolescent girl with a pathology called ‘craniosynostosis’, a sign that she suffered from some kind of psychomotricity. Benjamina lived 530,000 years ago, and her life expectancy was longer than expected thanks to a community that looked after her wellbeing. 


The video about Benjamina served as a prelude to the round table ‘The transformative power of Community in inclusive practices’. Moderated by Sonia Escorial, the round table was attended by Segundo Píriz, Rector of UNIE Universidad; Raquel del Barrio, Vice-President of Asociación Inclusión Madrid21; and Elena Montaña, Director of the Departamento de Orientación de Escuela Ideo.

The highlight of the gala was the presentation of the Benjamina Awards, which recognised commitment to inclusion in three categories: Benjamina Students, Benjamina Teacher and Benjamina Collaborator.

The gala concluded with a cocktail offered by the Juan XXIII Foundation, which employs people in a situation of psychosocial vulnerability, and with the presentation of statuettes made by Ayúdame3D, an organisation that makes free 3D prostheses.


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Planeta Formación y Universidades

Planeta Formación y Universidades, international higher education network focused on advancing knowledge, developing careers and connecting talent with the world of work.

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